Friday, August 31, 2012

“Create ASM Disk Group” no candidate disks to choose from

A blank list of candidate disks to choose from in "Create ASM Disk Group":
Check the path of the disks and permissions have been granted to them.
From the Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide (Solaris 11gR2):
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rdsk/cxtydzs4
# chmod 660 /dev/rdsk/cxtydzs4
Verify the setting with:
# ls -lL /dev/rdsk/cxtydzs4
Correct permissions:
$ ls -lL /dev/rdsk/c0d[2345]s0
crw-rw----   1 grid     asmadmin 117, 16 Aug 28 16:32 /dev/rdsk/c0d2s0
crw-rw----   1 grid     asmadmin 117, 24 Aug 28 16:32 /dev/rdsk/c0d3s0
crw-rw----   1 grid     asmadmin 117, 32 Aug 28 16:32 /dev/rdsk/c0d4s0
crw-rw----   1 grid     asmadmin 117, 40 Aug 28 16:32 /dev/rdsk/c0d5s0
Refresh list of candidate disks and they now appear.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Why does Logical Standby say an applied log is 'CURRENT' instead of 'YES' when the Standby is up to date? Reason is because there's at least one session on the Primary that hasn't yet committed or rolled back. Until a commit or rollback occurs on the Primary the Standby keeps the logs in a 'CURRENT' state and on the Standby server filesystem as they may still be required to apply transactions.

(output below formatted to fit)

column file_name heading 'Archive Log' format a80
column applied heading 'Applied' format a30

select file_name, sequence#, timestamp,
decode(applied,'NO',applied||' - Not Applied Logs!','YES',applied||' - OK',applied) applied
from dba_logstdby_log
order by sequence#;

Archive Log                                                   SEQUENCE# TIMESTAMP            Applied
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------
/oradata/MYDB/arch/logapplyarch/arch1_1247463_699468119.log    1247463 10.AUG.2012 16:16:33 CURRENT
/oradata/MYDB/arch/logapplyarch/arch1_1247464_699468119.log    1247464 10.AUG.2012 16:17:04 CURRENT

The 10.2 documentation doesn't give many details:

"APPLIED, Indicates whether each archive log has been applied (YES) or not (NO)"

  • 10.2 DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG Data Dictionary View
  • The 11.2 documentation has more details:

    "APPLIED, CURRENT - SQL Apply is currently applying changes contained in the foreign archived log"

  • 11.2 DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG Data Dictionary View
  • "Since transactions can span multiple archived log files, multiple archived log files may show the value CURRENT in the APPLIED column."

  • 11.2 Data Guard Concepts and Administration - DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG View
  • To resolve: On the Primary look for a session that has a lock requested around the time when the first (oldest) 'CURRENT' archive log appeared (16:16:33 in the above).

    set linesize 500
    column program format a40
    column event format a30
    column username format a15
    column osuser format a15
    column lock_requested format a30 heading 'Lock Requested'
    column object_name format a30
                    0, 'NONE',
                    1, 'NULL',
                    2, 'ROW SHARE',
                    3, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE',
                    4, 'SHARE',
                    5, 'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE',
                    6, 'EXCLUSIVE', '?') "Mode",
                     0, 'NONE',
                     1, 'NULL',
                     2, 'ROW SHARE',
                     3, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE',
                     4, 'SHARE',
                     5, 'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE',
                     6, 'EXCLUSIVE', '?') "Request",
            to_char(sysdate-l.ctime / 86400,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') lock_requested
            v$lock l, dba_objects o, v$session s
    where l.id1 = o.object_id (+)
    and l.sid = s.sid
    order by l.sid, l.type
           SID     SERIAL# USERNAME     OSUSER  PROGRAM                    EVENT                          TY Mode                Request     OBJECT_NAME      Lock Requested
    --------- ----------------------- ------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ -- ------------------- ------------- ------------------ -----------------------------
           113      34978 SCOTT         scott     prog@tigerserv (TNS V1-V3)    SQL*Net message from client    TM ROW EXCLUSIVE NONE         scott25X         10-AUG-2012 16:16:32
           113      34978 SCOTT         scott     prog@tigerserv (TNS V1-V3)    SQL*Net message from client    TM ROW EXCLUSIVE NONE         scott25J         10-AUG-2012 16:16:32
           113      34978 SCOTT         scott     prog@tigerserv (TNS V1-V3)    SQL*Net message from client    TM ROW EXCLUSIVE NONE         scott25I         10-AUG-2012 16:16:32
           113      34978 SCOTT         scott     prog@tigerserv (TNS V1-V3)    SQL*Net message from client    TX EXCLUSIVE     NONE    
    Above there was a DML lock at 16:16:32 on the Primary. Investigate why the session has uncommitted transactions. There is nothing necessarily wrong but if the Standby has been uncharacteristically building up 'CURRENT' applied logs for hours or the filesystem is starting to fill up with shipped archive logs then maybe there is an SQL performance problem or it could be something as simple as a user has not exited their session.

    Friday, August 10, 2012

    Setting Preferred Credentials in Enterprise Manager "Error: Connection to {hostname} as user {username} failed"

    When setting preferred/default credentials:
    Connection to {hostname} as user {username} failed."
    In the agent home on the host: AGENT_HOME/sysman/log/emagent.trc:
    ERROR util.fileops: error: file AGENT_HOME/bin/nmo is not a setuid file
    WARN  Authentication: nmo binary in current oraHome doesn't have setuid privileges !!!
    ERROR Authentication: altNmo binary doesn't exist ... reverting back to nmo
    Check that the was run when the agent product was installed, if not then UNIX admin need to run to set the proper permissions for the Oracle binaries. This should be under AGENT_HOME/ Try and set preferred/default credetials again in Grid Control.
    Credentials successfully verified for {hostname}."

    Thursday, August 2, 2012

    Using DBMS_RCVMAN to display human readable byte sizes and time

    The DBMS_RCVMAN.num2displaysize procedure can be used to display human readable byte sizes. The DBMS_RCVMAN.Sec2DisplayTime procedure can display a time format given seconds. The drawback is the DBMS_RCVMAN package is only available to SYS.
    SQL> select sys.dbms_rcvman.num2displaysize(1024) sz from dual;
    SQL> select sys.dbms_rcvman.num2displaysize(235236346) sz from dual;
    SQL> select sys.dbms_rcvman.num2displaysize(1024*1024*1024*1024) sz from dual;
    Given a number of seconds display in time format:
    SQL> select dbms_rcvman.Sec2DisplayTime(600) dt from dual;
    SQL> select dbms_rcvman.Sec2DisplayTime(90035) dt from dual;